They say love is powerful and has nothing to do with equality nor diversity, love has only to do with love, it has no excuses nor reasons for regret nor definitions, it is a faith without proof, a dogma. Now there is no such thing as loving each other, light breathing, beauty: the play tells of this lack, of man’s selfishness toward his beloved, of all the times someone cancels the possibility of being together just by laughing. The ancients thought that every time man performed evil deeds, the gods closed both the sun and the moon in a tube, to leave humans in complete darkness, with only the company of nightmares and remorse, and this is the eclipse, everything will last an instant and never return to life. In the play, the illusory tube of the ancients is constructed from the bones of the forearm, held by a golden thorn, at both ends: a breast and to balance on the other side, a vagina/mouth, sewn together, helpless in the cry for help, the background is the skin, with all its imperfections and still carries the last message of the two lovers, “see you tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and the next and tonight at the usual place.” That is why the ending is chilling, I would say hopeless except that of remembrance, as the sun eclipses. One cannot look at this evil act with the naked eye; it is like looking at the phenomenon of the eclipse of the celestial star with the naked eye, and this makes one blind. The lack of love results in the eclipse of the sun that releases destructive human will into the cosmos.