There’s like a fortress within us. There was this place inside me, which I believe everyone has and keeps reserved. Ah! A fortress. Where the most private part of us is enclosed. Perhaps it’s the soul. The part that makes us who we are and not someone else. After what happened, it was as if my fortress exploded into pieces. What was enclosed there, was exposed, outside, unprotected, without… That’s where I’ve always been! Naked – Alone. Trying to hide under a single blade of grass. Come find me – Rediscover me.
• Your honey jar is bare!
o I know it well! I was there when it was stripped.
• Why get rid of your fantastic forest?
o It was to surprise you with something different.
• Indeed it’s quite different, I would say more complicated, without its fur. You are a daring woman.
5th Genoa Biennale 2023 – Critic’s Award